Metro 2033

One of the reasons for the success of the novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky “Metro 2033” is in win -win setting. Moscow metro is more than just a transport system. This is a living legend, a valid monument to communism named after.AND. Lenin. One hundred and eighty stations and more than seven million people who descend…

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Interview with the creator of Dom Rusalok and Loretta: about the development of a new game, inspiration, the search for the publisher and not only

The other day it became known that the Russian indie-developer Yakov Butuzov will release a psychological trailer Loretta With the support of the publishing house Dangen Entertainment. Earlier, an independent developer gave the world a horror Advintra " The house of mermaids ", Who spoke about the Russian 90s. The new game will transfer us…

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Interview with the creative director of The Tales of Bayun: about the fairy -tale world, non -linearity, gray morality and Kota Bayun

Gloomy fairy -tale adventure ** The Tales of Bayun ** Russian studio Flyindogs became one of the winners of the first wave of the program Devdrive , which was organized " Gambling "," Canobus" And AG.Ru On this occasion, we contacted Ilya Maksimenko , One of the founders of the studio and the creative director…

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